YOU can help!!

Everyone’s Resource Depot accepts donations from many local businesses, community members, and students. We are always looking for new and creative materials. If you have something to donate please call us at 207-778-7150 to ask if we are able to accept the materials.

Here’s another way to help us! Check our wishlist frequently to see what we need!

We also encourage people to volunteer for us. A volunteer can do various things such as helping out with special events and workshops, as well as donation pick-ups at local businesses.

Everyone’s Resource Depot also has a volunteer Board of Directors and we would love your help to serve on it!

We also need customers!! Customers can be anyone from teachers, creative kids, craftspeople, students, scouts, handymen… absolutely EVERYONE!!

(Please: if you wish to donate something, call us at 207-778-7150. Thank you!)