Student Teaching is an immersive 16-week program where you’ll work in a professional capacity in a public school or early childhood setting with mentoring by UMF faculty and a mentor-teacher in the field. Together you’ll develop lesson plans,
Our student-teachers will become the educational leaders of the 21st century — people who are caring teachers, competent educators and collaborative professional leaders.

“I did two practicums here at Educare and knew right away that preschool was the age group for me. My practicum exposed me to what they do here and I got to work with the kids and their families. It really set me up for success and made me want to teach here and work with young children, some of whom have special needs.”
– Mattie Jernigan Supervising Teacher, Educare of Central Maine
Student Teaching is a capstone experience for Education students
The senior capstone experience, Student Teaching — is an immersive 16-week program where you’ll work in a professional capacity in a public school setting with mentoring by UMF faculty and a mentor-teacher in the field.
Our Education students describe their senior year Student Teaching assignment as the most meaningful experience of their UMF career. It’s when they’re teamed with a mentor school teacher (often a UMF alumnus) and they get to put into practice in a school classroom what they’ve learned in their UMF college classes.
See some UMF student-teachers describe why they chose Farmington.
Where do our Education students Student-Teach?
UMF Teacher Education students have student-taught at schools in small Maine towns and bigger urban cities; at schools just a short walk from campus and at schools across Maine, around New England and across the globe. And in most instances they’ve worked alongside school teachers who hold a UMF degree.
Agnes Gray Elementary School, West Paris
Ames Elementary School, Searsmont
Appleton Village School, Appleton
Atwood Primary School, Oakland
Auburn Middle School, Auburn
Bangor High School, Bangor
Belfast High School, Belfast
Belgrade Central School, Belgrade
Benton Elementary, Benton
Berlin Elementary School, Berlin, VT
Biddeford High School, Biddeford
Biddeford Intermediate School, Biddeford
Biddeford Middle School, Biddeford
Biddeford Primary School, Biddeford
Bloomfield Elementary, Skowhegan
Blue Hill Consolidated School, Blue Hill
Bonny Eagle High School, Standish
Bonny Eagle Middle School, Buxton
Bowdoin Central School, Bowdoin
Breakwater School, Portland
Brent International School Subic, Zambales, PHILLIPINES
Brown Elementary School, South Portland
Brownfield-Denmark Elementary School, Denmark
Brunswick High School, Brunswick
Brunswick Jr. High School, Brunswick
Buckfield Jr/Sr High School, Buckfield
Buxton Center Elementary School, Buxton
Camden-Rockport Elementary School, Rockport
Canaan Elementary School, Canaan
Canal School, Westbrook
Cape Cod Hill School, New Sharon
Carl J. Lamb Elementary School, Springvale
Carrabec Community School, North Anson
Carrabec Community School 6-8, North Anson
Carrabec High School, North Anson
Cascade Brook School, Farmington
Casco Bay High School, Portland
Central Elementary School, South Berwick
Central High School, Corinth
Chelsea Elementary School, Chelsea
China Primary School, China
CK Burns School, Saco
Colegio Britanico De Sevilla, Seville, SPAIN
Colegio Ingles, Barcelona, SPAIN
Congin School, Westbrook
Conners Emerson School, Bar Harbor
Cony High School, Augusta
Cornville Charter School, Skowhegan
Daegu International School, Dong-gu, Daegu, KOREA
Dayton Consolidated, Dayton
Dedham School, Dedham
Deering High School, Portland
Dirigo Elementary School, Peru
Dirigo High School, Dixfield
Dirigo Middle School, Dixfield
Earl C. McGraw School, Hampden
East Auburn School, Auburn
East End Community School, Portland
Edgecomb Eddy School, Edgecomb
Edna Libby Elementary School, Standish
Edward Little High School, Auburn
Ellsworth Elementary-Middle School, Ellsworth
Erskine Academy, South China
Fairfield School, Saco
Fairview Elementary School, Auburn
Farrington School, Augusta
Farwell School, Lewiston
Foster Career & Technical Education Center, Farmington
Foxcroft Academy, Dover-Foxcroft
Franklin Alternative School, Auburn
Fred P. Hall Elementary School, Portland
Freeport High School, Freeport
Frenchboro School, Frenchboro
Gardiner High School, Gardiner
Gardiner Middle School, Gardiner
Garret Schenck Elementary School, Anson
Geiger Elementary School, Lewiston
George E. Jack School, Standish
George J Mitchell School, Waterville
George J. West Elementary School, Providence, RI
Gerald D.Cushing School, Wilton
Gilbert Elementary School, Augusta
Glen Waverly Secondary College, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
Glenburn Elementary School, Glenburn
Gorham High School, Gorham
Gorham Middle School, Gorham
Gov. James B. Longley Elementary School, Lewiston
Granite Street School, Millinocket
Great Falls Elementary School, Gorham
Great Salt Bay Community School, Damariscotta
Greene Central School, Greene
Guy E. Rowe School, Norway
Hall-Dale Elementary School, Hallowell
Hall-Dale High School, Farmingdale
Hamilton Public School, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
Hampden Academy, Hampden
Hanson Elementary School, Lebanon
Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary School, Brunswick
Harrison Middle School, Yarmouth
Hartford/Sumner Elementary School, Sumner
Helen Thompson School, West Gardiner
Henry L. Cottrell School, Monmouth
HKMA David Li Kwok Po College, Kowloon, HONG KONG
Horace Mitchell Primary School, Kittery Point
Houlton Elementary School, Houlton
Hussey Elementary School, Augusta
James H Bean School, Sydney
James W. Russell Elementary, Gray
Jameson School, Old Orchard Beach
Jay Elementary School, Jay
Jefferson Village School, Jefferson
Kate Furbish Elementary School, Brunswick
Kennebunk Elementary School, Kennebunk
King Middle School, Portland
Kingfield Elementary School, Kingfield
Lake Region Middle School, Naples
Laura E Richards School, Gardiner
Lawrence High School, Fairfield
Leavitt Area High School, Turner
Lebanon Elementary School, Lebanon
Leeds Central School, Leeds
Leroy H. Smith School, Winterport
Lewiston High School, Lewiston
Lewiston Middle School, Lewiston
Lincoln Elementary School, Augusta
Lincoln Middle School, Portland
Lincolnville Central School, Lincolnville
Lisbon Community School, Lisbon
Livermore Elementary School, Livermore
Longfellow Elementary School, Brunswick
Longfellow School, Portland
Lura Libby School, Thomaston
Lyseth Elementary School, Portland
Mabel I. Wilson Elementary School, Cumberland
Madawaska Elementary School, Madawaska
Madawaska Middle/High School, Madawaska
Madison Elementary School, Madison
Madison High School, Madison
Madison Jr. High School, Madison
Mallett School, Farmington
Manchester Elementary School, Manchester
Manchester School, Windham
Maranacook Community High School, Readfield
Maranacook Community Middle School, Readfield
Margaret Chase Smith School, Sanford
Margaret Chase Smith School, Skowhegan
Mast Landing School, Freeport
Maine Central Institute (MCI), Pittsfield
McMahon Elementary School, Lewiston
Medway Middle School, Medway
Mercy Secondary School, Dublin, IRELAND
Meroby Elementary School, Mexico
Merrill Hill Alternative School, Auburn
Messalonskee High School, Oakland
Messalonskee Middle School, Oakland
Middle School of the Kennebunks, Kennebunk
Miles Lane School, Bucksport
Mill Stream Elementary School, Norridgewock
Monmouth Academy, Monmouth
Monmouth Middle School, Monmouth
Montello Elementary School, Lewiston
Morse Street School, Freeport
Mount View Elementary School, Thorndike
Mountain Valley High School, Rumford
Mountain Valley Middle School, Mexico
Mt. Abram High School, Salem Township
Mt. Ararat High School, Topsham
Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham
Mt. Blue High School, Farmington
Mt. Blue Middle School, Farmington
Mt. Desert Island High School, Mt. Desert
Mt. Vernon Elementary School, Mt. Vernon
Mt. View Elementary School, Thorndike
Mt. View Middle School, Thorndike
Nathan Clifford School, Portland
New Suncook Elementary, Lovell
Newport Elementary School, Newport
Noble High School, North Berwick
Nokomis Regional High School, Newport
North Berwick Elementary School, North Berwick
North Elementary School, Skowhegan
Oak Hill High School, Wales
Ocean Avenue Elementary School, Portland
Old Orchard Beach High School, Old Orchard Beach
Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Dublin, IRELAND
Oxford Elementary School, Oxford
Oxford Hills High School, South Paris
Oxford Hills Middle School, South Paris
Paris Elementary School, South Paris
Park Avenue Elementary School, Auburn
Pemetic Elementary School, Southwest Harbor
Peninsula School, Prospect Harbor
Pennacook Learning Center, Rumford
Philip W Sugg Middle School, Lisbon Falls
Phillips Elementary/Middle School, Phillips
Poland Community School, Poland
Poland High School, Poland
Portland High School, Portland
Presumpscot Elementary School, Portland
Quaker Farms School, Oxford, CT
Rangeley Lakes Regional School, Rangeley
Raymond Elementary School, Raymond
Readfield Elementary School, Readfield
Reeds Brook Middle School, Hampden
Reiche Community School, Portland
Ridge View Community School, Dexter
River View Community School, S. Gardiner
Riverton Elementary School, Portland
Rumford Elementary School, Rumford
Saco Middle School, Saco
Sanford High School, Sanford
Sanford Jr. High School, Sanford
Sea Road School, Kennebunk
Seabrook Elementary School, Seabrook, NH
Searsport District Middle School, Searsport
Searsport Elementary, Searsport
Searsport High School, Searsport
Sebago Elementary School, Sebago
Sebasticook Valley Elementary School, Newport
Sebasticook Valley Middle School, Newport
Shapleigh School, Kittery
Sherwood Heights Elementary, Auburn
Skillin Elementary School, South Portland
Skowhegan High School, Skowhegan
Skowhegan Middle School, Skowhegan
Small Elementary School, South Portland
South Portland High School, South Portland
South School, Rockland
Spruce Mountain Elementary School, Jay
Spruce Mountain High School, Jay
Spruce Mountain Middle School, Jay
Spruce Mountain Primary School, Livermore
Spurwink Services Chelsea, Chelsea
Steep Falls Elementary School, Steep Falls
Stevens Brook Elementary School, Bridgton
Stratton Elementary School, Stratton
Strong Elementary School, Strong
Surry School, Surry
Talbot Community School, Portland
Telstar High School, Bethel
Telstar Middle School, Bethel
Thornton Academy, Saco
Traip Academy, Kittery
Tremont Consolidated School, Bass Harbor
Tripp Middle School, Turner
Troy A Howard Middle School, Belfast
Turner Elementary School, Turner
Turner Primary School, Turner
Vassalboro Community School, Vassalboro
Vickery School, Pittsfield
Walton School, Auburn
Warsaw Middle School, Pittsfield
Washburn School, Auburn
Waterboro Elementary, Waterboro
Waterford Memorial School, Waterford
Waterville High School, Waterville
Waterville Jr. High, Waterville
Weatherbee School, Hampden
Wells Elementary School, Wells
Wells High School, Wells
Wells Junior High School, Wells
Wentworth School, Scarborough
West Bath School, Bath
Westbrook High School, Westbrook
Willard School, Sanford
Williams Elementary School, Oakland
Windham High School, Windham
Windham Middle School, Windham
Windham Primary School, Windham
Winslow Elementary School, Winslow
Winslow High School, Winslow
Winslow Jr. High, Winslow
Winthrop Grade School, Winthrop
Winthrop High School, Winthrop
Winthrop Middle School, Winthrop
Wiscasset Elementary School, Wiscasset
Woodside Elementary School, Topsham
York High School, York
York Middle School, York
Young School, Saco
Zippel Elementary School, Presque Isle