Earth and environmental sciences are critical disciplines for environmental stewardship and resource management. Students in this program engage in diverse field and laboratory investigations in order to develop their understanding of the past, present, and future behavior of the whole earth system. They become members of a scientific community, learning techniques of field observation, measurement, sampling, and analysis as part of their coursework. Students work side-by-side with their professors in classes and laboratories, and in the field conducting research in nearby forests, lakes, rivers, mountains, and coastal settings.  For a full description, visit the UMF catalog (2024-2025).

How do I explore Earth and Environmental Sciences at UMF?

There are many ways to explore a major. You could:

  • Review the webpage for this major.
  • Talk to faculty members in the major. Ask about their career path.
  • Choose a class of interest and contact the faculty member to ask about going to one of the classes.
  • Talk with students in the major for insights into the courses you will take and professors who will instruct you.
  • Enroll in one of the following courses: GEY 141 Dynamic Earth, BIO 141 The Living Earth or CHY 141 General Chemistry.
  • Get involved by joining a club or volunteer with an organization.
  • Volunteer or intern with an organization that is aligned with this major.
  • Talk with a Career Counselor.

What careers can I get with this major?

Data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and other sources. Median Salaries for positions in Maine typically fall below those of other New England states.

What jobs have UMF graduates acquired?

Environmental Specialist, Forest Procurement Specialist, Invasive Plant Survey Coordinator, Program Leader and Field Technician, Environmental Task Assessment Consultant, Maine Department of Environmental Protection Water Quality Assessor, Wildlife Habitat Construction Protection at the Bureau of Land Management, Senior Environmental Scientist, Research Associate, Technical Support Engineer, Solar Engineering Consultant, Maine Patrol Officer, Geosteering Geologist, Mineralogist at CS Mining, Field Geologist, Junior Environmental Scientist, Drafting Designer at BIW, Logging Geologist, Geological Engineer, Enforcement Officer at EPA, Owner of Natural Wool Company, and others.

Can I minor in Environmental Science? Are there related majors at UMF?

Yes, UMF has minors in Environmental Studies, and also Climate Change Solutions, Environmental Planning, GIS, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, and many other choices. Majors related to Earth and Environmental Science include Biology.  Read more about majors and minors.

How do I declare this major?

Contact Dr. Michael Molinsky,, to discuss your interests. To apply to the major, complete a change of major form.

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