The bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts fosters inquiry into the ideas, processes, and meanings of the arts. You will choose a concentration in a specific area — Arts Administration, Music, or Theatre — and be encouraged, through coursework and creative projects, to engage in discussion, study, and collaboration with students and faculty across all disciplines, thereby challenging the boundaries that have traditionally separated us. You can choose from three options:

How do I explore Performing Arts at UMF?

There are many ways to explore a major. You could:

  • Review the webpages for this major (Arts AdministrationMusicTheatre)
  • Talk to faculty members in the major. Ask about their career path.
  • Choose a class of interest and contact the faculty member to ask about going to one of the classes.
  • Talk with students in the major for insights into the courses you will take and professors who will instruct you.
  • Enroll in one of the following courses: Any Music, Theatre, or Art course that interests you.
  • Get involved by joining a club or volunteer with an organization.Volunteer or intern with an organization that is aligned with this major.
  • Talk with a Career Counselor.

What careers can I get with this major?

Data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and other sources. Median Salaries for positions in Maine typically fall below those of other New England states.

What jobs have UMF graduates acquired?

Assistant to Executive Director of a Non-Profit Art Association, Digital Brand Ambassador, Web Design Assistant, Stage Manager, Copywriter, Global Sustainability Analyst at Burton Snow Boards, Assistant Technical Director, SEO Specialist at Page One Web Solutions, Designer at iBec Creative, Production Staff at Waterfire Providence, Stage Management, Promotions and Traffic Director at HOT 104.7, SEO and Copywriter, Marketing Associate at Theater at Monmouth, and others.

Can I minor in Performing Arts? Are there related majors at UMF?

UMF has minors in Visual Art, Art History, Creative Writing, Film Studies, Music, Video Games Studies, and Theatre. Majors related to Performing Arts include Web Media & Design and Art and Design. Read more about majors and minors.

How to I declare this major?

Contact Dr. Steven Pane, or Jayne Decker, to discuss your interests. To apply to the major, complete a change of major form.

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