With just a little pre-planning we’re happy to arrange your high school visit and provide your students with a fun, meaningful experience.

We can accommodate a group size of up to 25 students with 1 chaperone for every 10-12 students (more chaperones always welcome). Just complete the form below and we’ll get back to you to discuss the particulars.

We look forward to hosting you and your students!

School Group Visit Form
School's Mailing Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
So we may communicate with you directly.
Area Code + Number (So we may communicate with you directly)
We offer School Group Visits most Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings -- excluding holidays.
In order to arrange everything, we prefer to start at 10am but we're flexible. Let's talk.
Are there particular academic areas of interest for this group? Are there any specific campus facilities of interest to this group? Anything we should try to arrange?

Contact Us

Of course, you’re always welcome to email us, phone, write us, too.

Office of Admissions
University of Maine at Farmington
246 Main Street
Farmington, Maine USA 04938-1994
tel  207-778-7050
fax  207-778-8182
TYY (via Maine Relay Service) dial 711