There’s never a fee to have us evaluate your transcript. Just send it to us first. Fast, Free and Easy! And applying to UMF is free, too.
University of Maine at Farmington
Transfer Transcript
224 Main Street
Farmington, Maine 04938
fax 207-778-7555
The University of Maine at Farmington CEEB Code is 3506
Transfer Guides Tool
Each UMaine System campus has a distinctive mission and achieves its educational goals in somewhat different ways.
The Transfer Guides Tool is a quick and easy way to help you see how your coursework at other Maine colleges and universities may fit into a Farmington degree program.
The General Education Block
Every student who completes the General Education Block at a UMaine System campus can now transfer that school’s Gen Ed Block to Farmington for General Education credits at UMF — no matter which UMaine System campus you attend. Making it even easier to get here from there.
The UMaine System General Education Transfer Block is a minimum of 35 credits of coursework defined by each institution, with grades of C- or higher in all courses.
Note: The General Education Transfer Block does not necessarily satisfy all Gen Ed requirements, but it satisfies most of them. When you transfer using the Gen Ed Block, you may still have to meet some Farmington-specific requirements. We can walk you through that — just contact us.
Farmington-specific requirements:
- UMaine-Augusta, UMaine-Fort Kent or University of Southern Maine students transferring to Farmington with the Gen Ed Transfer Block must take one additional 4-credit natural science course with a lab.
- UMaine or UMaine-Presque Isle students transferring to Farmington with the Gen Ed Transfer Block must take one additional 4-credit General Education course — a course that would satisfy the open Gen Ed requirement.
- UMaine-Machias students transferring to Farmington with the Gen Ed Transfer Block do not need to take any additional courses to satisfy our General Education requirements.
Please be aware that some Farmington academic programs require courses that also satisfy General Education requirements. Transfer students may have satisfied all Gen Ed requirements as described above and still need additional coursework to satisfy these major-specific requirements.
Let Us Help You
Transferring is a highly individualized process, and sometimes confusing. So let us give you the personal attention you deserve. Just contact us any step along the way.
We look forward to meeting you.
Your Personal Transfer Guides

Isaac Seigle
Isaac is one of our Admissions Counselors and also serves as a Transfer Specialist.
As a former transfer student to UMF himself, Isaac can help guide you through the Transfer process at Farmington.
Admissions Counselor / Transfer Specialist
office: 207-778-7050
text: 207-560-0411

Jacob Turlo
Jake is also one of our Admissions Counselors and, like Isaac, serves as a Transfer Specialist.
As a former transfer student to Farmington himself, Jacob can help guide you through the Transfer process at UMF.
Admissions Counselor / Transfer Specialist
office: 207-778-7050
text: 207-560-0395
UMF Named a 2024 “Most Transfer-friendly College in the Nation”
— Phi Theta Kappa, the official honor society for community colleges

UMF is recognized as one of the most transfer-friendly colleges in the nation by Phi Theta Kappa, the official honor society for community colleges. Farmington is named to the honor society’s 2024 Transfer Honor Roll for excellence in the development and support of innovative pathways that help community college students easily transfer to the four-year university.
Phi Theta Kappa honor society recognizes the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges.
It is comprised of more than 4.3 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 countries, with approximately 240,000 active members in the nation’s colleges.
Contact Us
Office of Admissions
University of Maine at Farmington
246 Main Street
Farmington, Maine USA 04938-1994
tel 207-778-7050
fax 207-778-8182
TYY (via Maine Relay Service) dial 711