Students who reside in these apartment-like suites are expected to monitor their own behavior, as well as advocate for themselves with regard to issues and concerns in the hall.

Each suite typically houses students in groups of four, either in single-bedroom or double-bedroom suites, and has a small common area and a bathroom with a shower that students are responsible for cleaning. Laundry facilities, study areas and lounge spaces are located on each floor.

Residents can choose to live co-ed in a suite (men & women in the same suite) or single-sex in the same suite. All have to agree to it. The University allows students to choose a “gender-inclusive” placement in this hall.

The residence hall is overseen by an Area Director who assists in the development of communal living. This professional staff person is responsible for enhancing residents’ college experience by assisting in promoting holistic community development within the hall.

Programs designed by the two Community Assistants in the hall promote the development of academic, personal, and social well-being. A Community Assistant is an upper-class UMF student who assists in building community within their areas, as well as helping residents get involved in the campus community through various programming initiatives.


Within the building

  • “Co-ed” by suite (men & women in the same suite or single-sex in the same suite)
  • Optional “gender-inclusive” room placements
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Laundry on each floor
  • Kitchen on first floor
  • Each suite has its own bathroom
  • Common rooms in each suite
  • Available for sophomores, juniors, and seniors only

In each room

Room Specs

  • Average number of windows per room, 1 per single and 2 per double
  • Space under beds, approximately 10″ at lowest to 27″ at highest
  • Average furniture in doubles includes: 2 beds, 2 dressers, 2 closets, 2 desks and 2 chairs
  • Average furniture in singles includes: 1 bed, 1 dresser, 1 closet, 1 desk and 1 chair
  • Average single room, approximately 9.3′ wide by 10.8′ deep
  • Average double room, approximately 12.5′ wide by 14.6′ deep

What to Bring

Contact Us

For more information about campus housing, please contact us.

UMF Student Housing
University of Maine at Farmington
Student Life Office
tel  207-778-7372