Why did I choose UMF? The number one top reason was for the Dance Team, which I joined! And also, the school is very, very welcoming.
What do I do for fun around here Again, Dance Team! I also like going to UMF Free Movie Night with my friends at the movie cinema right downtown. We catch a lot of movies.
What do I like most about UMF? Surprisingly … one of my favorite things about UMF is the food. I know college students usually complain about their dining halls, but I really like this one because it has a lot of great breakfast choices, and I’m all about breakfast — it’s the most important meal of the day, right? (laughs).
— Stephen Ekstrom
Early Childhood Education major

Why did I choose UMF? Well, I liked that it wasn’t in a big city or anything, considering I’m from a smaller place. And I also liked the selection of majors — specifically pertaining to web design, graphic design, and new media.
What do I do for fun around here? Mostly, I hang out with friends and play board games and video games. And The Landing on campus has a lot of nighttime events like karaoke, open mic night, game night, and whatnot, so that’s pretty cool to go to.
What do I like most about UMF? Probably the people — meaning professors, friends, and other people. There’s very much a tight community here and I think that’s nice. Professors will wave to you and say hi, and they’ll know your name. You don’t feel lost in a sea of people, which I feel a lot of universities can be like.
— Kimlie Gillespie
Web Design major, Video Game Studies minor

Why did I choose UMF? Actually, I transferred here from another university in Maine in my freshman year. I had some friends who went to school here and I checked it out and it seemed UMF was a better fit so I decided to come here instead – and it’s been great.
What do I like most about UMF? Well, I’m majoring in Biology and I think we have a great Bio Department – I’ve really enjoyed all of the science classes I’ve taken so far. They’re hard and challenging and a lot of work, but I’m getting so much out of them.
— Lucky Mourredes
Biology major

Why did I choose UMF? I chose UMF because it was close to where I graduated high school and it seemed pretty cool. I was originally an Education major and UMF was just like the place for that. Then I got more into math while I was here and I switched majors to Mathematics. But I’ve fallen in love with a lot of other things about Farmington. I love the outdoorsy-ness, the smell of the evergreens, and the overall casual vibe here.
— Kiera Jasper
Mathematics major

Why did I choose UMF? Well, I chose UMF first for the Psychology program and then when I visited I thought Farmington was a really nice area. I was looking for a smaller school where I would get to know people and sure enough, I know at least half of the campus by face. That’s a really nice feeling.
What do I do for fun around here?
I sometimes I’ll catch first-run movies downtown at the Narrow Gauge Cinema, which does a whole Free Movie Night thing. I also like to come out here on the campus green and play my guitar, which sometimes draws other students to come hang out. I’ve met a lot of new people this way, it’s kind of my friend-finding jam.
— Ben Kern
Psychology major

Why did I choose UMF? I transferred to Farmington after a year of community college and I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do but I knew UMF has a really good Teacher Education program so I came here for that.
What do I do for fun around here? I mostly do a lot of reading and writing in the creative writing lab. I also do a lot of events in my residence hall and hang out with friends at the Beaver Lodge in the Student Center. The Beaver Lodge is a really cozy on-campus dining room. It has a nice vibe there.
— Grace Turner
Double major in English and Secondary Education – English, with a double minor in Psychology

Why did I choose Farmington? To be honest, because it’s just 45 minutes from Sugarloaf. I’m on the Men’s Freeski team, and we won the Nationals at Lake Placid this year! I also play on the Men’s Varsity Soccer team, so I get the best of both worlds. In the fall I get to play soccer, and then I get to ski — a lot. Fun fact: I have 50 days in at Sugarloaf so far this year. It’s very, very close. If I wanted to, I could ski six days a week — seven if I do night skiing at Sunday River, Black Mountain or Titcomb Mountain right here in town. I love skiing, can you tell?
— Maxwell Hamilton
Business Administration major

Why did I choose UMF? I found the Biology program really interesting. There’s so much I’ll be able to do with that degree.
What do I like most about UMF? I really like the Archaeology class I’m in. It’s not in my major but I find it very interesting — and really hands-on, which is what I like to do.
— Caleb Allen
Biology and Earth Science major

What would I say to a fellow military veteran considering UMF? That I felt accepted by others here — peers, professors, and staff. They ensured a smooth transition and accepted me as a non-traditional student. They also helped me reach my goals and to fulfill my educational needs. I love that UMF is continuing to further veteran recognition and working toward building a veteran community on campus.
— Bailey Randle
Biology major
Military veteran

Why did I choose UMF? I transferred to UMF for the outdoorsy environment and the location and the good vibes.
What do I do for fun around here?
One of the most fun things for me is working in the Admissions Office. I get to show prospective students and their parents the campus and help out the Admissions staff and work with the other Admissions student tour guides — it’s a lot of fun for me. My Admissions job is great. And I can’t believe I get paid to do it! Just don’t tell my boss that. (laughs)
— Sydney Halle
Anthropology major

Why did I choose UMF? I chose UMF because of the great Teacher Education programs but I was really drawn to the school for the community vibe feeling and the outdoor options.
What do I do for fun around here?
I’m really happy here and enjoy outdoorsy things — being able to get out and hike and paddleboard and be on the lake.
— Zoe Lawler
Secondary Education – Social Studies major

My girlfriend and I celebrated our 4th anniversary in our senior year of college. In our time here, we’ve lived a freer and more joyful life than I could have ever imagined as a scared eighteen-year-old filling out college applications. UMF has given me a space where I feel safe. It’s given me a space where I’m not afraid to say that I’m a lesbian, because I know I will be met with love.”
— Jocelyn Royalty
Double major: Creative Writing and Psychology

Why did I choose UMF? Mainly for the Education programs. It’s pretty affordable for me, especially given the scholarships I got.
What do I like most about UMF?
Definitely the professors. The professors here are really knowledgeable and incredibly helpful. There’s a strong sense of community here with a lot of students having relatively the same goals. They want to get a solid education, at a great price, and they want to have an amazing career afterward.
— Zach Meyers
Early Childhood Education major

Why did I choose UMF? I’m a local kid, so it was an easy choice — I already knew a lot about the school, the town, and the area. But the Creative Writing program here is really, really good. I heard it was good but I didn’t know it was this good.
What do I do for fun around here? I like the fun nighttime events they have at The Landing on campus, and I also love going to Narrow Gauge Cinema downtown — especially on Free Movie Night.
— Shaylynn Koban
Double major in Creative Writing and Psychology with minors in Math and Data Analytics

Why did I choose UMF? I chose it because it was far enough away from home to feel like I was in a separate area, but not too far to go home and visit. And also there’s a lot of great skiing and a really nice community up here.
What do I like most about my Biology program? My professor, Dr. Barton — he’s a really great professor and also my academic advisor. He’s the best.
What do I do for fun? My favorite on-campus event has definitely been Humans versus Zombies. I also really like the Magic Gathering Club. Almost all of my free time, I’m playing magic, playing other strategy board games, or hanging out with friends.
— Malachi Wilson
Pre-Professional Biology major

Some differences between my first college and UMF? Here, it’s super-easy to get involved in things, you can do so much — even if it’s brand new to you. So, I take a dance cardio class at the Fitness Center and I’m totally out of my element but I absolutely love it. I never miss a class. It was pretty easy to transfer to UMF. I was pleasantly surprised – and my faculty advisor has been great to work with on class scheduling, course requirements, and other things. Transferring here was a good choice for me.
— Alicia James-Aldus
Psychology major and Transfer student

Why did I choose UMF? I’m a skier so I chose UMF mostly so I could compete on the varsity ski team here. And we’re heading to the Nationals in Lake Placid next week. Go Beavah Ski-ahs — woot-woot! I also just like the fun environment on campus and the area. UMF also has a reputation as a really great Teacher Education school, so I came here for that, too.
What do I do for fun around here?
Well, in addition to being on the ski team I’m also on the Women’s Rugby team, so I hang out with my rugby teammates. And I go skiing a lot at Titcomb Mountain, right here in Farmington and at Sugarloaf, where our team practices. It’s so close by!
— Fallon Smith
Secondary Education – Math major

Why did I choose UMF? I just liked how small the college is and how it’s more like an actual community. I’m not a huge fan of busy areas or cities, and so Farmington is a really perfect fit for me. It’s quiet enough but also not too quiet because the downtown just a short walk from campus.
What do I do for fun around here? I like to go thrifting with my friends and to go to the various cafes downtown – there are so many cafes here!
— Nolan Bailey
Psychology major

Why did I choose UMF? For the Early Childhood Ed program and to be able to work on campus with young children. It’s fun and so convenient.
What do I do for fun around here?
I’m on the Dance Team and I work at the Sweatt-Winter Community Childcare Center on campus. I adore working with the kids.
Why do I like UMF? I like UMF for the community and that the campus itself is on the small-and-cozy size, so, like getting from one class to another or from my residence hall to the dining hall is a five-minute walk, at most. And also I like the nighttime events they hold in The Landing and the student clubs.
— Kaylie Thomas
Early Childhood Education major

Why did I choose UMF? I chose UMF because I knew it was a very inclusive campus and it was also a small campus, and I wanted to create one-on-one relationships with my professors so they could help me be successful.
What do I do for fun around here? I mostly just hang out with my friends. There are a lot of good spots on campus to be able to just kind of hide away and be social with them. I also like going downtown. Farmington has a lot of cool local stores and coffee shops, and I especially like Narrow Gauge Cinemas for first-run movies.
— Sam Hammar
Secondary Education – English major, minor in Theatre

Why did I choose UMF? Well, I’m from the area, so there’s a great financial incentive to go here.
What do I like most about UMF? Definitely the people — the professors and the community are what really makes the school shine.
What do I do for fun around here? I think a lot of it’s about the student clubs. I’m the president of Film Club, so we do a lot of screenwriting and a lot of filming. Most of the stuff we do is on campus, in terms of board games in the lounge, or going to different events around campus. There’s also a volunteer graphic design group, which is pretty fun.
— Sol Labelle
Visual Arts – Graphic Design major, with minors in Video Game Studies, Environmental Studies, and Film Studies

Why did I choose UMF? I’m from southern New Hampshire, so I didn’t want to go too far away. And in high school, I just knew I wanted to be a teacher and my guidance counselor gave me a list of colleges that had really good Education programs. And UMF was top of the list! Then, when I visited here in person, it was honestly one of the best campus tours I experienced – it reminded me a lot of home and I knew right away it would be a great fit.
What do I do for fun around here? I love to ski over at Farmington’s Titcomb Mountain – it’s literally just a few minutes from campus, and you get a free UMF Ski Pass pass if you do some volunteer hours there, so that’s been great.
— Paige Lusczyk
Secondary Education – Math major

Why did I choose UMF? Primarily for location — I love how close it is to the ski resorts. And it’s not as expensive as other colleges nearby, especially for what you get. I’ve worked at three different ski resorts since being a student here. We’re just 45 minutes from Sugarloaf and Saddleback and Titcomb Mountain is right here in town. I’m also on the Men’s Varsity Soccer Team, and that’s a lot of fun.
— Ieuan Howell
Business Administration major
with an Alpine Operations Certificate

Why did I choose UMF? Besides the fact that it has the only Creative Writing program in Maine, I just generally find that the location here is nice. It’s a nice community.
What do I like most about UMF in general? All of my professors are amusing and entertaining. And UMF’s just a good community, as I said.
What do I like to do for fun around here? I hang out in the Johnson Scholars lounge often. I also walk downtown and go to 3D Games. I’m a student senator and I’m on Magic the Gathering Club exec board, also I’m on exec board for another club called Beaver Success.
— Tristan Mitchell
History and Creative Writing double major, with an Editing and publishing minor